
‘You Need The $1000 More Than Me’, Apostle Suleman Responds To Witches Who Challenged Him To Heal One COVID-19 Patient

‘You Need The $1000 More Than Me’, Apostle Suleman Responds To Witches Who Challenged Him To Heal One COVID-19 Patient



Apostle Johnson Suleman has responded to the Advocacy for Alleged Witches (AFAW) who challenged him to heal just one person infected with COVID-19.

It would be recalled that Apostle Suleman had said he should be given the chance to go to isolation centres to heal the sick, saying they are only asking him to heal one.

The witches led by Mr Leo Igwe had said, if Suleman heals one, he will get a sum of $1000 from the group.

Responding to them, the Apostle in a series of tweets said, to start with, they are poor because if they are not, they won’t be offering him just a thousand dollars. He then advised them to keep it, because it is obvious they need it.

He also went ahead saying, he would have loved to ignore them, but they definitely deserve a response.

See all his tweets below…

“A certain Leo Igwe says I should heal covid19 and get a 1000dollars…I will send you the details of those already you can investigate…I am not the healer, God is…to mention 1000dollars, shows you are broke and poor..keep need the money than me.

“Normally I won’t reply critics..but the website he uses has been constantly writing against me for 3yrs non-stop..all kinds of stories. Also, I feel so ashamed to see some Christians joining the world to attack itself. Not in my time..Jesus Christ called herod a fox..(Luke 13.32.).

“A pastor speaks for the oppressed and gets arrested, you are silent. He feeds the hungry, you are silent..he employs hundreds of jobless folks you are silent yet you claim to be a Christian. He replies critics and you are quick to say he should behave like a man of God?.hypocrites.

“For those who say christ never replied critics, you don’t know scriptures. Matthew 12.24-27, Lk 13.31-32..he replied when necessary. I am not of the stock of pastors, that keep quiet when you attack pastors, you ‘ridicule’ and expect us to keep quiet..some silence means consent.

“Proverbs 26.5 say ‘Answer a fool according to his folly.lest he be wise in his own conceit’…

“According to Proverbs 26.5, we are not replying critics, we are correcting fools..”

Angela Davies

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