What To Look For When Choosing Organic Baby Skincare Products
There was a time when organic products were a novelty. With the growing popularity of sustainable and clean living, those days are long gone. Now, a product has to be organic for it to sell, especially if it is consumed or applied to the body. And for babies’ skin, which is very sensitive and delicate, organic baby skincare makes perfect sense.
Benefits of Using Organic Products on Your Baby’s Skin
In general, everyone can benefit from an organic skincare product. It has no chemicals or additives that could harm the skin or the environment. When it comes to your baby’s skin, the reasons are all the more compelling.
In essence, a baby’s skin is brand new, and it has yet to develop a resistance to harmful elements. Permeable and sensitive, it is more susceptible to pathogens and bacteria compared to adult skin. It is also more vulnerable to harmful substances, such as petrochemicals, parabens, propylene glycol, and synthetic fragrances. Traditional skincare products, even those for children, use some or many of these chemicals, whereas organic baby skincare products use only natural ingredients that will be gentle to your little one’s skin.
How to Choose What is Best for Your Baby
In the first few weeks from birth, medical professionals recommend parents use only water for the baby’s bath, then gradually move to natural or organic products that are gentle to the skin. As a parent, you would never knowingly put something harmful on your baby’s delicate skin. That is why you must choose carefully and wisely when it comes to baby skincare products.
If you are a new parent and still navigating the intricate world of baby products, there are a few ways to ensure that you pick up only the best and safest in skincare for your baby. And the key is understanding the things that you see on the label.
Understanding the Label
When shopping for skincare products, you would normally encounter the words natural and organic. Then there is the certified organic. They all sound similar and may even be mistaken to mean the same thing by some people. But they are not interchangeable terms, and each provides a different level of safety when applied on your baby’s skin. It is also important to weed out those who are just bandying these words as part of a marketing ploy from those with legitimate claims. Even with the exponential increase in the consumption of organic products, most countries do not have clear laws to regulate organic baby skincare products. As a result, some brands can just slap the words natural or organic on to their labels without being forthcoming about its percentage or whether it is free from contamination during its production and packaging.
For a product to be safe on your baby’s skin, it is not enough to say organic or uses natural ingredients. It must bear the logo of a recognised certifying body. These certifiers strictly audit each process of the brand’s product supply chain, from growing the crops and harvesting to manufacturing and packaging. This ensures that the organic contents are at 70% to 95% concentration. It also guarantees that the natural ingredients used are grown and processed according to standards at holistic and chemical-free organic farms.
Eliza Gilbert is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.