Categories: Metro/CrimeNews

Terrorists Block Abuja-Kaduna Highway

Terrorists have blocked the Abuja-Kaduna highway.

Glamtush reports that a former federal lawmaker, Shehu Sani, says bandits have blocked the Abuja-Kaduna highway, preventing travellers and other road users to access the road.

This online platform understands that in a tweet on his Twitter handle on Thursday, he alleged that road users have begun turning back from the road to seek alternative routes and prevent a possible attack on them.

The tweet read, “Just got a distress call that Bandits in large numbers have again blocked the Kaduna-Abuja road this afternoon. Travellers are speedily turning backwards.”

Sani had earlier today said with Nigeria’s worsening security situation, Nigerians should be allowed to officially carry weapons in defending themselves.

Glamtush had reported how terrorists on Monday night bombed the Abuja-Kaduna rail tracks and attacked a train filled with passengers.

Subsequently, the Nigerian Railway Corporation on Tuesday announced the suspension of train operations along the Abuja-Kaduna route indefinitely following the attacks.

The train attack was coming after terrorists, numbering over 200, on Saturday invaded the Kaduna International Airport located in Igabi Local Government Area in Kaduna State, disrupting operation and killing one security personnel of the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency.

The attack caused panic at the airport and reportedly grounded a Lagos-bound AZMAN aircraft scheduled to take off at 12:30 pm.

See the tweet below:


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