Nollywood actress, Bewaji Folashade, has narrated how she was kidnapped on her way from a movie location, last night at Akobo, Ibadan, Oyo state. According to the actress, she was picked up by the men, dragged on a bike and was being taken to an unknown location but God saved her.
In a chat with tunez, she said:
“They kidnapped me at 10:20pm last night at akinyemi street, while i was coming from a movie location at akobo. It got to a stage that i had to struggle with them on the bike because they would still kill me when we get to their den. My thought was that it is better they kill me where people can see me and take me to the hospital. When we got to where people were, the bike fell and i struggled to fight them. People heard our voices and they started coming out. That was how they fled and God saved me.”