Categories: CareerLifestyle

Apply For UK Short-Term Visa For Truck Drivers, Poultry Workers

Apply For UK short-term visa for truck drivers and poultry workers below.

Glamtush reports that Nigerians who want to apply for UK Short-Term Visa for truck drivers, poultry workers can follow the guideline below.

The United Kingdom (UK) has opened applications for the temporary visa scheme for poultry workers and heavy goods vehicle (HGV) drivers.

Eligible persons are expected to enter and work in the UK for three months in the run-up to Christmas to provide “short-term relief for the haulage industry.”

The shortage of truck drivers in the UK has been exacerbated by the pandemic, an aging workforce, poor working conditions, and post-Brexit immigrati on policy.

Grant Shapps, UK transport secretary, had said the visa scheme would ease the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the country’s haulage and food industry.

According to TheCable, the UK government will grant temporary visas to 5,500 poultry workers and 4,700 heavy goods vehicle (HGV) drivers who are expected to transport food goods.


According to the details on the UK government’s website, HGV drivers who can transport food goods are welcome to apply.

Meanwhile, eligible workers with on-farm or off-farm poultry experience are classified as:

  • butcher
  • bird or game dresser
  • killer and plucker
  • plucker
  • poulterer
  • poultry processor
  • poultry sticker
  • trusser
  • food operative
  • poultry catcher or handler
  • poultry vaccinator
  • poultry meatpacker



To apply, the UK Home Office directs applicants to contact a scheme operator for the application processes.


The four identified scheme operators include:

  1. AG Recruitment
  2. Concordia
  3. Fruitful Jobs
  4. Pro-Force

Interested applicants can visit the websites of the operators for more information on how to submit their details and complete the application process.

The UK government said poultry workers must apply under the temporary visa scheme by November 15, 2021 — and it will expire on December 31, 2021.

For HGV food drivers, they are expected to apply by December 1, 2021, and the visa will expire on February 28, 2022.

Angela Davies

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