
5 Things Your Erection Says About Your Health

Almost 400 years ago, English physician Thomas Sydenham wrote that “a man is as old as his arteries.” And he’s not far from the truth.

A lot of guys know their lifestyle is harming their health, but it’s not until it begins to affect their sex life that they start to listen. You play a big role in how properly your penis functions.

Penis problems can be all-consuming for men; thankfully a consultant urologist has explained that erections in the morning are a common occurrence. However, a lack of erection in the morning – therefore a loss of libido – can be a worrying signal about heart health.

Scientific research indicates that the best measure of a man’s health is his erect penis. This means that a man’s overall health directly affects the quality of his erections.

So the big question is: how firm is your erection on a daily basis? Do you suffer Erectile Dysfunction (ED) once in a while? Scientists have discovered that ED may predict future heart disease and should be taken seriously.

By definition, having ED means a man cannot get an erection hard enough for penetration or one that lasts long enough for him to reach orgasm.

The research conducted by Mayo Clinics also found out that men with ED were 80% more likely to develop heart disease than men without ED — regardless of smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and weight.

Also, having a big belly could put your penis at risk, too.  You need to cut down belly fat to avoid erectile dysfunction.

Doctors assume that if ED is diagnosed early, some men could control heart disease by making lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, eating a healthier diet and exercising.

Are you worried you’re falling limp in the bedroom? This is the time to sit up and take charge of your wellbeing. Knowing the connection between erectile dysfunction and men’s health issues will help you be proactive about your wellbeing.

Here are 5 things scientists discovered your erection says about your health

1.     Erectile Dysfunction: Men with Erectile Dysfunction ED were 45% more likely to develop heart disease over a five-year period. That’s about the same increase in risk that has been linked to smoking or high cholesterol, the researchers noted.

2.     Heart disease: Studies have shown that men who have erectile dysfunction and no history of heart attack go on to have heart attacks sooner than their counterparts without erectile dysfunction. It would be a good idea for anyone with erectile dysfunction to get screened for their cardiovascular risk factors, including cholesterol and blood pressure.

3.     Diabetes: One of the worst complications of uncontrolled diabetes is nerve and blood vessel damage. Because both these functions are critical to maintaining an erection, it’s not surprising that diabetes is tied to erectile dysfunction. The study found that factors that can help control diabetes, such as good exercise and diet habits, were also helpful for erectile dysfunction symptoms.

4.     Thyroid diseases: The thyroid gland produces hormones that impact functions throughout the body. So when the thyroid gland is producing too many or too few hormones, your ability to get an erection can be affected. Symptoms to look out for include: anxiety, irritability, shaky hands, unexplained weight loss, rapid heart rate, and diarrhea.

5.     HIV: Many studies of men with HIV found out that rates of erectile dysfunction were higher among those in the HIV-positive community than in other men. The reasons for the higher rates of erection problems aren’t completely known, but researchers theorize that it might be a combination of hormonal changes and psychological issues.

Angela Davies

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